Community Grant Program
St. Joseph Regional Medical Center is committed to improving the health and quality of life of our community. This is accomplished, in part, by supporting community based organizations through donations and sponsorships. Our Community Benefit Grant Program provides us an opportunity to respond to requests from eligible organization whose work is in alignment with our mission and funding priorities. St. Joe's is limited to providing support for organizations exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service.
St. Joseph Regional Medical Center limits donation and sponsorship requests to nonprofit organizations only. Listed below are requests that we are unable to consider.
- Individuals
- Political parties, candidates or causes
- Incomplete applications
- Requests made less than four weeks in advance
- Events that occur outside of our service area
- St. Joe's reserves the right to consider each donation request on an individual, case-by-case basis.
Many factors are included in the evaluation of submitted requests. All applications/requests are reviewed by our Community Contributions Committee and are dependent on available funding. Applicants can expect a response within four weeks, regardless of approval or denial, of your request. A decision to deny a request does not imply the applicants program is not worthy, but rather that it does not fall within our guidelines or the funds are not available.